Science and Medical Journalism TV Reporting
Since 1999 students in UNC’s Science and Medical Journalism Program have produced 42 reports focusing on science, medical and environmental topics for North Carolina Public Television.
In addition, students contributed to an hour-long documentary on environmental challenges facing North Carolina State Parks. The documentary includes individual reports produced by students in the MEJO 562 Environmental and Science Documentary Television course.
The Sun Can Be Yours
In summer 2014, the Science and Medical Journalism Program partnered with students and faculty from the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain, to launch a multimedia website documenting how investors in solar energy in Spain have suffered as the government has cut returns to investors.
Environmental Heroes TV Documentary
In 2010 students produced a half-hour documentary that tells the stories of how one tree lover is on a mission to save the hemlocks from destruction, how two farmers are practicing sustainable agriculture to bring food to the table, and how local citizens are cleaning up a polluted urban creek.
Additional Reporting
In the last 17 years students have produced reports for statewide public television examining science, medical and environmental topics. Two reports — “HIV & Kids” and “Surviving Childhood Cancer” — have won Midsouth Regional Emmys. Other reports have won student awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, Region II. Below are links to many of the student-produced reports that have aired previously on North Carolina Public Television.
Science & Environmental Reports | Environmental Heroes |
Endangered Estuaries
Air Pollution Water Quality Straight Piping & Water Quality Energy |
Medical Reports Children Mental Health |